20 August 1998
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 17:18:31 +0200 To: jya@pipeline.com From: interception <interception@ii-mel.com> Subject: swiss automatic 100% listed: called phone identification Source: Lora Radio - Mr. Ptesch (had verified) Luxembourg NEW: Each CALL RECEIVED ON EACH SWISSLINE IS IDENTIFIED BY SWISSCOM! Actually, each 100% swiss line (analogic also) is on CALL IDENTIFICATION LINE mode. In others countries, RESTRICTION CALL LINE mode is actived. Unpracticed in Switzerland. In clear totally illegal. Alone in the world with such practices, A tap-roboter 8000 Gb manages these billion of numbers at Villars/Glâne (FR): PREMISES PHONE NUMBER OFFICE NUMBER Terco, rue Chandolan, 6, Villars sur Glâne SWISSCOM computer center (tape roboter) MORE DETAILS: http://www.ii-mel.com/interception/centrauxgb.htm http://www.ii-mel.com/interception/automatiquesgb.html EXACT TERMINOLOGIE UIT-T CLIP - Calling Line Identification Presentation CLIR - Calling Line Identification Restriction COLP - Connected Line Identification Presentation COLR - Connected Line Identification Restriction
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 1998 15:33:28 +0200 To: jy@jya.com From: interception <interception@ii-mel.com> Subject: CAllED LINE ID. SUBJECT CALLED SWISS LINE IDENTIFICATION: 100% add: In France, the numbers of the french red list (official 100% confidentialy) are identified via CLIP on public standard (hospital, association,...).